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Professor Giuli Alasania


The University of Georgia is ten years old. It was established in response to those challenges, which were faced by our country in order to preserve the state independence and successful economic development of the country. The University was initially channeled to pass on the knowledge in education accumulated throughout the centuries to a new generation, as well as support market economy based on the reality and employment market requirements.

Our mission is to bring up honorable citizens of the country. We also aim to train professionals, who will be successful in any competitive situation. Along with the high quality education, we offer a variety of opportunities necessary for students to actively spend these years. My congratulations on joining the University of Georgia! Be confident that you have made a right choice!

I wish that your expectations are met, your opportunities are fully pursued, along with a successful career and a happy personal life.

Professor Manana Sanadze


A successful career in the epoch of modern informational technologies will only be achieved through diverse knowledge and high professional skills, supported by a strong will to acquire knowledge and big interest towards the selected subject The development of research and analytical skills, as well as gaining specific knowledge requires a lot of reading, thinking, hard work and sleepless nights. 

Some fundamental changes took place between XX-XXI centuries for a Georgian youngster: If previously his competitors were only youngsters living in the Soviet empire, nowadays he is challenged by the youngsters from the entire world, where he has to prove his advantages. This is a serious and an important challenge, as we are talking about the career and future of each of you! It should be also mentioned that Georgian society and government have a direct in-depth interest in your formation as a qualified specialist.

High quality education and qualified specialists in science and various fields of technology are the most important guarantee to the security and successful future of the country.

You will often hear from a Georgian parent “If a young person is motivated, he will study anywhere!” This saying might have been close to reality few decades ago, during their student period, however it does not fully applicable to the present.

Nowadays the motivation is not enough! The desire to acquire knowledge and the hard work of a youngster is necessary to gain knowledge, which will open the door to successful career and will shape you as a well-paid desirable specialist. High standards of teaching management, the newest teaching methods and technologies are compulsory. In accordance with the time needs, the programs need to be constantly updated and upgraded, as well as books or other types of educational materials, and professor-teachers equipped with contemporary knowledge.

The achievement of the above mentioned will remain as an unfulfilled dream even for a highly enthusiastic student, without studying at the modern educational scientific institution like the University of Georgia.

If you would like to study at the Georgian university that is equivalent to the top rank universities in the world and acquire knowledge, which will make you competitive among your peers within the country or beyond its borders – choose the University of Georgia!

If you would like to spend your student years in a comfortable and clean environment, use all necessary books and publications, computerized library, electronic funds and unlimited internet service, sport stadiums and gyms, engage in various student clubs and develop leadership skills – choose the University of Georgia!

If you would like to study in the classrooms equipped with the newest technologies, attend lectures that will be delivered by the best Georgian and foreign specialists – choose the University of Georgia!

If during your university studies you would like to meet, get acquainted, listen and talk with the world’s most outstanding businessmen, politicians, journalists, sportsmen, scientists, film makers or artists – choose the University of Georgia!

If you would like to participate in various student exchange programs, where your hosts will be famous European or American universities – choose the University of Georgia!

If you would like to spend the difficult study process in a protected, safe and thoughtful environment, where for the study period, students are provided with free medical service and the best medical insurance – choose the University of Georgia!

The University of Georgia is the best higher education institution among Georgian universities!

Thank you for choosing our university!


Address: 77a, M. Kostava str. Tbilisi, 0171, Georgia ;
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Address: 77a, M. Kostava str. Tbilisi, 0171, Georgia ;
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2018 The University of Georgia